Subul Data Annotation

Subul Data Annotation

Subul’s Data Annotation Service

Subul’s Data Annotation Service

Experience high-accuracy, personalized, and diverse data annotation services with Subul. Partner with us to empower your AI while contributing to global social equity.”


In today’s artificial intelligence and machine learning age, data is the new gold. Reliable data annotation is a critical step in the AI model development lifecycle. At Subul, we are pioneering the fusion of technology and social impact through our comprehensive data annotation services, aiding businesses and disadvantaged communities.

Personalized and Fully Managed Annotation Process



Subul provides a bespoke, end-to-end data annotation process. Here’s what it looks like:

  • Dedicated Project Manager: To ensure the smooth execution of your project, we assign a dedicated project manager. This manager is responsible for overseeing all aspects of your project, from establishing guidelines to final quality control. They act as an extension of your team, taking the load off your shoulders and allowing you to focus on your core business operations.
  • Comprehensive Project Management: With Subul, you get a full-cycle service that covers data collection, data annotation, and data validation. Our double-layer quality assurance system guarantees highly accurate data annotation, with an impressive accuracy rate of up to 98.5%.
  • Streamlined Workflow and Results: We take care of the time and cost-consuming aspects of the model training process. Once we receive your data and guidelines, our team will deliver refined, ready-to-use results. We can also handle data collection if needed. No matter the size or urgency of your project, we ensure timely and accurate delivery.


Diverse and Scalable Workforce for Accurate Annotation


Our workforce is the backbone of our services:

  • Experts from Various Industries and Fields: Our team of data annotators is a diverse group of specialists from multiple fields such as engineering, medical, architecture, IT, arts, and administration. This diversity enables us to assign the right experts to your projects.
  • Tailored Team Setup Within 72 Hours: We understand the importance of time in business. That’s why we guarantee the assembly of a team perfectly suited to your project within 72 hours. Our scalable workforce allows us to handle projects of any size efficiently.


Unbiased and Compliant Data Annotation


Subul prioritizes ethical and privacy considerations:

  • Training on Biased AI and Privacy Standards: We ensure our workforce is well-versed in the nuances of Biased AI and the importance of privacy standards and policies. This ensures the data we annotate is unbiased and compliant with your country’s privacy standards.
  • Ensuring Unbiased Data for Your Project Reliable machine learning models require unbiased data. At Subul, we employ rigorous measures to guarantee the integrity of our data. We carefully curate diverse and representative datasets, avoiding overrepresentation or underrepresentation of specific groups. Our preprocessing and data cleaning techniques remove biases, stereotypes, and offensive content. Additionally, we conduct regular audits and evaluations to identify and mitigate any emerging biases. With Subul, you can have confidence in the fairness and reliability of the data provided for your project.

Wide Range of Fields Covered


At Subul, our expertise spans a broad array of domains. This allows us to offer industry-specific data annotation services, resulting in more accurate and useful datasets for your AI models. Here’s a brief overview of our field-specific services:

  • Architecture and Interiors: Our team of architecture and interior specialists can accurately annotate blueprints, 3D models, and interior design imagery, helping your AI applications understand spatial concepts, materials, and architectural styles.
  • Industrials and Automobile: From annotating manufacturing processes for industrial automation to annotating automotive imagery for autonomous vehicle systems, our industrials and automobile experts can handle complex data annotation tasks precisely.
  • Maps and Navigations: We specialize in the annotation of geospatial data critical for various applications, including autonomous navigation, mapping services, and satellite imagery analysis. Our expertise can help your systems understand the physical world in intricate detail.
  • Retails and e-Commerce: Our experts can annotate product images, customer reviews, and other retail data. This can power your e-commerce AI systems to understand product categories, customer sentiments, and trending topics, enhancing your customer’s shopping experience.
  • Food and Agriculture: We annotate images, videos, and sensor data related to food products, farming practices, and agricultural landscapes. This aids in creating intelligent systems for food safety, quality control, precision agriculture, and farm management.
  • Satellite Imagery: Our team can accurately annotate satellite images to extract valuable insights for climate change monitoring, urban planning, and disaster management applications. We can highlight features like land use, vegetation, and water bodies with high precision.
  • MedTech and Biotech: With experts in medical and biotechnological fields, we can annotate various types of biomedical data, including medical images, genetic data, and patient records. This can contribute to developing AI tools for diagnosis, treatment planning, and biomedical research.

This wide coverage ensures that whatever your field, Subul can provide the data annotation service you need.


Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals


Partnering with Subul does more than just streamline your AI development process. It contributes to sustainable development goals:

  • Empowering Disadvantaged and Conflict-Affected Communities: Our workforce consists entirely of individuals from disadvantaged and conflict-affected communities. By working with us, you provide these communities with access to decent jobs.
  • Access to Decent Jobs and Economic Growth: Our impact outsourcing model contributes directly to economic growth by providing decent work opportunities for those who need them most.
  • Social Impact through Meaningful Work: We firmly believe in the transformative power of work. By outsourcing your data annotation work to Subul, you contribute to a more equitable world while getting your job done.



Subul’s data annotation service offers a unique blend of high-quality data annotation, social impact, and a commitment to your project’s success. By choosing us, you’re getting excellent service and contributing to a more equitable world, empowering disadvantaged and conflict-affected communities with decent work opportunities. With our personalized and fully managed process, diverse and scalable workforce, and broad field of expertise, we’re ready to deliver results that meet your expectations and timelines.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the turnaround time for Subul's data annotation service?

We guarantee to set up a team that fits your business and project size within 72 hours. However, the project's total duration depends on the volume and complexity of the data. Rest assured, and we will strive to meet your timelines.

What kind of data can Subul annotate?

Subul is equipped to handle a wide range of data types. From images and videos to text and sensor data, our diverse and skilled team can annotate all kinds of data you need for your AI/ML models.

Does Subul provide data collection services?

Yes, if you don't have the data, we can also take care of data collection. Our team is adept at gathering the necessary data based on your project requirements.

How does Subul ensure data quality?

We follow a stringent double-layer quality assurance process to ensure the accuracy of our data annotation. We take pride in delivering highly accurate data, up to 98.5% accuracy.

What makes Subul's data annotation service unique?

Our strength lies in our mission: to empower disadvantaged communities by creating pathways to meaningful work. By outsourcing your data annotation tasks to Subul, you get quality service and contribute to sustainable development and social equity. Furthermore, our diverse workforce ensures that specialists in your industry handle your project.
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